When I borrowed this book from the library I was feeling a bit overwhealmed because it had 1448 pages. It felt as heavy as a brick. So I knew that reading this book would take persistance. However I was pleasantly suprised as it wasn't much of an effort to read. It hooked me from the begining.
I did watch this movie with my parents when I was little and remembered the general plot but only now as an adult can I appreciate all the characters and the authors great depth and writing style. It was very informative in regards to the war and slavery and I enjoyed every aspect of the storyline.
The only negative point I can mention is to do with the ending.
"Spoiler Alert!"
The book did not end as happily ever after, which came as a physical blow and after I closed the book I just sat there stunned that I didn't get my feel good rush as I do from every other love story book. But after a few moments of thought I realised that we come to need the happy endings because we are so used to them. However it's not realistic and I now am starting to appreciate the courage and honesty in which the author wrote this book. I really would have loved to have a sequel written by Margaret Mitchell because you do still think and desperately want to know what happens next.
This book definately deserves to be rewarded as one of the best books of all time. Okay so it doesn't shock you and break any writing barriers, like The Naked Lunch, (which I couldn't even read), but it's got a great storyline, awesome characters and you will be sucked into this book and remeber it forever. When someone says the name Scarlett you will automatically think of this character and remeber how this book changed you. And that in my opinion is what a great book should be.
Lesson Learnt:
Don't complain and be upset at the world because you didn't get what you wanted out of life. The successful people get what their given change it to suit them and fight for what they want. There are two types of people - Fighters or Dreamers. Which one are you??